Child Safety -Code of Conduct

Safeguarding Children and Young People at EISM Events

The Eastern Independent Schools Melbourne (EISM) provides the opportunity for students of member Colleges

  • to enjoy and experience sport through representing their school,
  • to strive for their personal best through individual and team based competition,
  • to feel valued, make new friends and social connections, develop a sense of self through mastery of skill and involvement in teams
  • to improve their physical fitness, health and well being

Through the participation in sport within EISM we aim to develop:

  • sportsmanship, including the ability to win with modesty, lose with dignity and accept decisions
  • interpersonal skills, where students learn appropriate communication skills and behaviours within their team and towards their opposition
  • suitable competitions that allow for new skills and/or refine already existing skills
  • students develop a connectedness to their own College and develop friendships/ connections with students from other associated Colleges
  • students develop a sense of pride through representing themselves and their College out in the community
  • a range of students develop leadership skills
  • staff have an opportunity to interact with students in a positive manner.


This Code of Conduct has a specific focus on safeguarding children and young people at EISM Events against sexual, physical, psychological and emotional abuse or neglect. It is intended to complement other professional and/or occupational codes. All staff, volunteers, contractors, and board members at EISM are expected to actively contribute to a school sporting association culture that respects the dignity of its members and affirms the values of care for others, compassion and justice. They are required to observe child safe principles and expectations for appropriate behaviour towards and in the company of children, as noted below.

Acceptable behaviours

All staff, volunteers, contractors, visitors, parents/guardians and board members are responsible for supporting the safety of children within our association by:

  • adhering to the EISM Child Safety Policy and upholding the associations commitment to child safety at all times
  • taking all reasonable steps to protect the young people at our events from abuse
  • treating everyone in the EISM community with respect, modelling positive and respectful relationships and acting in manner that sustain a safe and positive environment
  • promoting the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people
  • promoting the cultural safety participation and empowerment of young people with culturally and /or linguistically diverse backgrounds
  • promoting the safety, participation and empowerment of young people with a disability
  • if an allegation of child abuse is made, ensuring as quickly as possible that the young person/people are safe in accordance with the EISM Child Safety Policy
  • ensuring that this Code of Conduct is followed in any interactions with students from every associated member school of EISM when attending any EISM event

Unacceptable behaviours

All staff, volunteers, contractors, visitors, parents/guardians and board members must NOT:

  • exhibit behaviours with young people which may be construed as unnecessarily physical
  • engage in open discussions of a mature or adult nature in the presence of young people
  • use inappropriate language in the presence of young people
  • express personal views on culture, race or sexuality in the presence of young people
  • discriminate against any young person on the basis of age, gender, race, culture, vulnerability, sexuality, ethnicity or disability
  • photograph or video a young person without the consent of the parent or guardian
  • consume alcohol or take illicit drugs under any circumstances at an event where students are present.
  • work with any young person while under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs

Responsibilities in matters of Child Safety:

All staff, volunteers, contractors, visitors, parents/guardians and board members are responsible for:

  • listening and responding to concerns of young people; particularly if they are telling you that they or another young person have been abused or that they are worried about their safety/the safety of another young person
  • reporting any allegations of child abuse as outlined in the EISM Child Protection Reporting Obligations
  • understanding and complying with all reporting obligations as they relate to mandatory reporting and reporting under the Crimes Act 1958 (Vic) and as contained in the EISM Child Safety Policy
  • reporting any child safety concerns as outlined in the EISM Child Protection Reporting Obligations
  • ensuring as far as practical that adults are not alone with a young person
  • ensuring child safety protocols(as stipulated in the EISM Child Safety Policy)at all EISM events and venues are implemented
  • ensuring risk assessments at all EISM events and venues incorporate child safety

All staff, volunteers, contractors, visitors, parents/guardians and board members must NOT:

  • ignore or disregard any suspected or disclosed child abuse
  • put young people at risk of abuse
  • initiate unnecessary physical contact with a young person or do things of a personal nature that a young person can do for themselves, such as toileting or changing clothes
  • exchange personal contact details such as phone number, social networking sites or personal email addresses with a young person

Full details of the following are available on the EISM Website (

  • EISM Child Safety Policy
  • EISM Child Protection Reporting Obligations
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